Bible Study

Our youths have their own Bible Study twice a month in which they meet to share, discuss and grow in their spiritual journey with the Lord. The Bible study allows for open learning where the youths ask questions and share their perspectives. Our Vicar Rev. Dr. Denis Ochieng is always available in guiding and leading the Bible study to ensure the theological and doctrinal soundness of the study.

Topical Discussions

The youths organize roundtable discussions around topics of concern to them. These topics allow them to make enquiries on current issues and issues that concern them. Restoration Church taps into the wealth of knowledge of experts in various areas. For example, Dr. Nelly and Counsellor Charity have discussed ably the topic on “Our identity” from both scientific and the Biblical views; “Community Service” was led by Koine, Gachene and Mark among others.


The youth attend camps such our Diocesan Summer Camps such Camp Booyah which brings together over 500 youths across various States and Churches within our Diocese and beyond. This allows them to gain independence and opens them up to relating with others beyond the local Church. These camps have resulted in developing relationships and growing their social and spiritual networks.

Outdoor Activities

The youth organize outdoor activities such as hikes and soccer to enhance their relationship with one another thereby learning teamwork and developing support groups among themselves. In their competitiveness we have witnessed them outdoing their parents in the tug of war this year.

Community Work

The youths are involved in serving the less fortunate and the needs within our community. During summer for example they helped in organizing the RAC Vacation Bible School. They visited the elderly’s homes in the community and fed the homeless. The youths are fully involved in our community activities such as annual celebrations, birthdays among others.